Aims & Objectives.


Aims and object of the society are as under:

1)     To Create Opportunities Of Participation In Development Activities For The Backward Population Of The Society In A Planned Way.
2)     To Raise Awareness On The Improvement Of Livelihood Among The Under Progressed And Unaware People Of The Rural Society.
3)     To Develop The Society Through Effective Alternative Methodologies And Adopting New Strategies.
4)     To Create Income And Employment Generation Opportunities For The Backward People Under Simple Condition.   To Make Effective Advancement Of The Programs Of Health, Family Planning And Mass Education.
5)     To Establish Own Library And Publish Paper And Poster Through Creating Effective Environment For The Exercise Of Literature And Culture.  To Provide Effective Support For Establishing Women Rights.  
6)     To Provide Necessary Support For Increasing The Literacy Rate.
7)     To promote consciousness, education/welfare and treatment program to control AIDS/Cancer, Diabetics, Leprosy, TB, Syphilis, Heart & Skin and other diseases.
8)     To make best efforts to resolve the following problems of the women and/or related to the women like Sexual Assaults, Sexual Harassment,  Girl child awareness , Family Violence, Unwed Mothers, Widows, Dowry deaths, Unemployment, Reservation for Women, Maternity Homes, Anganwari, Discrimination against women.
9)     To work on various aspects of food nutrition and Health like Nutritional needs of different age group children, Nutrition of Expectant and Nursing Mothers, Promotion of Breast feeding, Infant Feeding, Preparation of instant infant foods and supplementary foods, Nutrition of pre-schoolers, school children and adolescents, Conservation of Nutrient during food preparation.
10)   Working on basic facts of food and nutrition and improving diet at low cost.
11)   Working in various programs of Govt like ICDS and Mid Day Meal program for school children to enhance nutritional and educational capacity of our children.
12)    To arrange tracking, mountaineering expedition and other allied sports activities related to mountain, dessert and coastal terrains.
13)    To help poor and indigent persons in marriages of their sons and daughters by way of cash donation or otherwise and to distribute clothes, food and other necessaries of daily life amongst the poor, orphan and indigent persons.
14)   To accelerate development of an appropriate of an HIC/Aids awareness in India and carry response to HIV/AIDS in India.
15)   To bring together like minded NGOs working in the field of HIV/AIDS.
16)   To undertake any other activities for the support and welfare of HIV affected persons.
17)   To create a sense of brotherhood, co-operation, mutual harmony, love and affection amongst the member of the society and also amongst the general public.
18)   To organize seminar on social justice, educational and economical up-liftment to raise legal demands and fundamental right provided by the constitution of India.
19)   To provide information and education/  useful knowledge and the medical advise , to general public regarding the vices of the society like smack, , smoking (cigarette/biri/hukka), use of alcohol / wine , HIV-AIDS , Polio Drops , Chicken Pocks etc. Through holding awareness camps for de-addiction and also organize the lectures by expert team of Doctors , Journalists , Lawyers , professionals and other learned persons.
20)   To open , found , establish , promote , setup , run , maintain , assist , finance , support and/or help the various community development programs / activities and also construct and develop the ; pio, Dharamshala  Night Shelters , Old Age Homes , Orphanage, Health Care Centre , Creche (Day Care Center) , Charitable Dispensaries , Hospitals, Shochalay , Libraries , Reading Room , Play Ground , Yoga Training Centers , Gymnasiums , Sangeetalya & Nrityalaya (music and dance training center ), Anganwari , Balwari , Mahila Ashram , Studios , Drama stage and other buildings / institutions for use of General Public and for  welfare of the general public.
21)    To promote library, cultural and other said activities by awareness program adult education classes, Sarva Siksha Abhiyan, Lectures, essays competitions, exhibitions, symposium, cultural program, press conference and seminars.
22)   To take up effective, reasonable and lawful steps for the solution of the problems relating to the blind, handicapped, mentally handicapped, deaf, dumb and other disabled through the various kinds of training programs and also providing them required facilities to make them independent.
23)   To give provide and / or render monetary and / or other help and assistance for the relief of persons and animals affected by natural and other calamities such as flood , fire , famine , cyclone , earth quake , storm , accident , pestilence , drought , epidemic , unbearable cost of living and the like , too give donations , subscriptions or contributions to institutions , establishment , centers or persons doing relief work on such occasion .
24)   To establish , Maintain or grant  aid for the establishment or maintenance of  wells, tube –wells , tanks , water ,reservoirs , trees and also to make the construction and maintenance of paths, roads, Khadanja , Bridges, Parks Sewerage and other Buildings and institutions which are used by the general public .
25)   To take up effective but reasonable and lawful steps for the eradication of social evils such as Dowry System , Child Marriage (Bal Vivah ) , Child Labor , Wastage Of money in the various function and use of intoxicated drugs / wine / smack etc.
26)   To follow the ideology of great men and national leaders who sacrificed their lives for our nation.
27)   To start various programs against child labour and take up effective but reasonable and lawful steps on this connection for the welfare of children.
28)  To educate the people and organize various kinds of awareness programs/ activities regarding consumer protection laws and rights of the public in this connection.
29)   To work for promotion and diffusion of useful knowledge and advancement of Indian art, culture and philosophy.
30)   To promote literacy, cultural and other social activities by awareness program, adult education classes, lectures, essay competitions, exhibitions, symposiums, cultural programs, press conferences and seminars.
31)   To start, establish, run take over or manage and maintain the school, with the object to provide sound nursery, pre primary, middle, secondary, senior secondary and higher education to children/ students by seeking recognition and affiliation from the education departments etc.
32)   To award appropriate certificates or diplomas in respect of educational, vocational or technical training courses administered and carried out by the society.
33)   To help the street children by providing them shelter, food and education.
34)   To  make adequate arrangements and start the rehabilitation centers for destitute , widows , old men and women , poor, beggars , handicapped , blinds , deaf , dumb , mentally retarded and for other needy people.
35)   To provide aid to physically handicapped people in respect to artificial limbs and to give them vocational training in different field to make them independent.
36)   To promote and advance the Science of Alternativeness Systems of Medicine, Electro Homeopathy, Naturopathy, Indo Allopathy, Modern Medicines, X-Ray Technology, Laboratory, Science & Technology and other field of Indian Medical System/Science.
37)   To take land on the lease purchase /purchase basis for production of herbs, spices and to setup science centre for research and development of herbs and spices including opening of Ayurvedic Medical College to promote Indian herbs & spices.
38)   To provide Ambulance facilities with First Aid facilities.
39)   To open centre/institutes for diagnostic, curative and research on cancers, AIDS, TB and other deadly diseases.
40)   To survey and detect the unauthorized and bogus doctors, medicines, foods, pharmacy, druggists, medical institutions and eye camps and take necessary but lawful actions to control medical corruption.
41)   To start research on disease due to pollution and to provide the medical assistance /aid to concerned patients.

42)   To create awareness amongst people in general and those residing in rural regions in particular towards problem connected directly or indirectly with environment and ecology through appeals, posters, plays, slides, films, videos, exhibitions, literatures, all other  media and any other suitable means.
43)   To establish a well equipped laboratory for research  on environment.
44)   To provide legal, medical, financial, shelters, psychological or any other help assistance or charitable support for women, those who are victims of any kind of abuse and /or harassment.
45)   To educate members of the Society and others on various issues related to the basic democratic rights of women that exist under the Constitution of India or any other Law.
46)   To make best efforts for protection, promotion and for the advancement of women, children, old aged, handicapped, orphans,  window, destitute and mentally retarded persons
47)   To create a forum for senior citizens where they can exchange their various views and experiences which may be make available to younger generation.
48)   To promote fine art, crafts among the public including establishment and maintenance of shilp shikshalaya.
49)   To offer prizes and grant scholarship to deserving students and also to provide all possible facilities to the students who are interested to go abroad for higher education.
50)   To arrange and organize exhibitions, training and research programs on the subjects/ matters relating to the villagers and people belongs to the rural areas and tribal areas of the India and also start different integrated village development programs in all over India.
51)   To approach the farmers (and the people connected with agriculture) and provide them the latest technology and the research information in the fields of agriculture for the betterment of farmers/ agriculturists.
52)   To start, run and manage the various training centers like poultry, piggery etc to train the young boys and girls belonging to the economically weaker section and also for the solution of the problems of unemployment and also provide all necessary facilities to the trainees.
53)   To establish and maintain institutions for the handicapped , blind, deaf , dumb, poor , SC, ST, minorities , backward classes and other  needy people to provide the training of house hold industries , semi skilled jobs and also to provide them other required facilities like hostels, medical aid, food, cloths, transportation and economic assistance to start new business.
54)   To open , found, establish, promote, setup, run maintain, assist, finance, support and/ or aid or help in the setting up and /or running hospitals, charitable dispensaries, maternity homes, child welfare centers, convalescent home, sanatorium or centers for rendering or providing medical relief.

55)   To do best efforts for the promotion of research and education in medical science including surgery by running the various/ different schools, collages and other medical research and/ or educational institutes.
56)   To provide nursing aid to the needy people especially for the old age men and women, orphan, ill etc.
57)   To promote the interest of people in environment, sense of integration, self employment, family planning, sanitation etc. by making Audio Visual, Tele Films, TV serials & documentaries.
58)   To conduct training and research programs for pollution control (in water, air, soil, earth, atmosphere), polluted diseases and to maintain/ develop and also protect the herb’s, forests, environment, species of the animals, birds, wild life and other natural gifts helping to support the preservation of environment.
59)   To bring under productive use of the wasteland through a massive programs of forestation and tree plantation.
60)   To educate and provide training to the students, candidates, general public about rapidly increasing harmful environmental purely, preparation for plantation of trees and plants and to organize camps, seminars, films shows for environmental protection and to establish environment preservation and pollution control centers to restrain the spread of pollution.
61)   To do generally all such other acts, deeds, things and activities, which are fit and proper for pollution control and protection of environment.
62)   To encourage games, sports, yoga, hokey, football, cricket and other national and international games/ sports for improvement of health amongst the youth and children on the whole and organize tournaments, yoga & sports competitions on block & district level.
63)   To prepare the awareness generating kits like posters, banners, audio video cassettes, nukkad natak, puppet shows, skits, documentaries etc.
64)   To organize the stage plays, musical concerts, seminars and variety of programs etc.
65)   To collect information, notices, notifications, policies from the government, semi government, national/ international agencies and N. G.  O.,s. And also provide the same to member of society and to the general public.
66)   To organize seminars, meetings, press- conferences and other lawful gatherings from time to time.
67)   To take up effective, reasonable and lawful steps for the solution of the problems relating to  the member of the society and / or relating to the general public.
68)   To provide legal medical aid, social economic help and assistance to the needy people.
69)   To approach to the competent court/ courts to safeguard the right of the general public and for the public interests from time to time as the society may deem fit and proper.
70)   To open, found establish, promote, setup, run, maintain, assist, support and/or aid and help in setting up the different kinds of colleges and research institutions for advancement of technical education and in all their manifestations.
71)   To open centers/ institutes for diagnostic curative and research of cancer, AIDS, T.B. and other deadly diseases.
72)   To maintain small industries, organizations, cooperative societies, firms, for plantation and to run STD’s, Petrol pumps other commercial units.
73)   To spread appropriate technology among the people agriculture, dairy forming poultry terming, libraries, dispensaries, school, hospital, institution for the welfare of society.
74)   To provide market support at national & international level to craft person’s weavers, artisans, NGOs & other institutions engaged in development of cultural, handicraft & handlooms.
75)   To make arrangement for mobile emergency van/ ambulance for the victims of road accident, to provide help to pregnant ladies to shift them to near by hospital, also to provide assistance to the old people for the emergency.
76)   To establish, run maintain and grant aid in cash or kinds to advance technical education colleges including engineering & diploma colleges, management education institutes, computer science & research institutes & specialized studies & research institutes to provide standard and high class education for B.E./B. Tech/B. Arch/MBA courses and other related courses to the students according to rules and regulations of all India council for technical education & state government.
77)   To run management institutes/ professional courses in the field of finance including international finance, business management, commerce, computer application and allied subjects / activities.
78)   To start various kinds of training courses like- teachers training, nurses training laboratory assistant, hospital, education center cum clinics, maternity homes, child care center and such other institutions (after getting the permission and/ or affiliation from the competent authority(s), if it is required) the solution of problems of un- employment amongst the young generation.
79)   To establish, run maintain, manage and control the various   school/ colleges/ training institutions/ courses like: medical, dental, paramedical, Ayurvedic, homeopathic, naturopathy, pharmacy, nursing, laboratory, occupational therapy, dietician, beautician, acupuncture and acupressure therapy, reki, magnet etc. ( after getting the permission and/ or affiliation from the competent authority (s), if it is required) .
80)   Engage people of weaker section, backward classes, scheduled castes and any other persons of whatever occupation irrespective of sex race community of people with human dignity and self respect.
81)   To promote & marketing Ayurvedic medicine, health camp, yoga camp, seminar, workshop & training.
82)   To initiate handicraft sector, cottage industries or any other schemes and conduct skill training which provide employment to poor people in rural and urban area, with the help of concerned authorities.
83)   To develop different craft skill among the people for the purpose or providing them employment especially for women organization will also providing platform to craft persons meaner to promote and facilitate marketing of handicraft and handlooms products in India to approach govt./ Semi Government, private agencies for opening showroom outlets program finely aiming at the development of hand looms and handicraft.
84)   To organize the handloom weavers to provide them training, equipment and all other necessary help in order to improve skill and economical condition of weavers, keep alive their craft and traditional Arts, cultural activities in their world of high technology and modernization with the help of concerned authorities.
85)   To erect, construct, alter, maintain, sell, lease, mortgage, transfer, improve, develop, manage and control all or any part of the property or the building of the above society, necessary or convenient for the purpose of the attainment of the aims and objects of the society.
86)   To publish book, charts, illustrations, journals, magazines, periodicals, news letters /papers and other publications in the different language and on the different subjects.

87)   To improve the economic moral and social standard of villagers in the area of operation and also implementing KV & KVIC program.
88)   To achieve above mention aims and objects the organization will approach  different Govt. department, Textile, ministry of science & Technology central social welfare ministry of H.R.D. , Ministry of environment, ministry of youth affairs & panchayat Raj etc. for taking grant and take the above mention activities for sustain able development of people.
89)   To conduct program/ activities foe road Safety, R.C.H.., women empowerment, and S.H.G. (self help group) etc.
90)   To do such other things/ acts/ activities which are necessary and which may be incidental or conducive to the attainment of any of the object of the society.
91)   To receive financial and non-financial assistance from govt. non govt. organization, international agencies, banks and any other legal entity or Individual.
92)   To accept donations, grants, presents, gifts, loan, and other offerings in shape of moveable and /or immovable properties for the attainment of the aims and objects of the society.
93)   To purchase / acquire/rent the land and /or the building in the name of the society for the up liftment and fulfillment of the aims and objects of the society.
94)   To arrange and organize EYE and BLOOD donation camps.
95)   To make best efforts and organize various kinds of programs and/ or activities relating to Family Planning and to diffuse the useful knowledge about the medicines, methods used for family planning also provide the family counseling facilities.
96)   To make best efforts to provide security shelter, respected employment and other required/ necessary facilities to the prostitutes and their dependent children.
97)   The activities and the branches shall all over in India and also in the different Countries of world.

The Ideology And The Working Principles Of Warriorr Against Evils (WAE) Society. 
We Are Different Because Our Working Methods are Different.

Warriorr Against Evils (WAE) believes in open and broad mindedness/thinking.

Warriorr Against Evils (WAE) believes that-----
Every problem in this world has its solution and has different alternates to solve them.
If we failed to achieve the goal of our mission at first attempt than Warriorr Against Evils (WAE) will surely again tries to achieve the goal by attempting alternate of the first action and hence it will try again and again all the possible attempts to achieve its goal.
Broad mindedness means the every possible attempts/alternate steps to solve the problem so that to reach to the goal of that mission.
This can be understand by the following example—

In certain part of area if there are poor people, they are in need of help. If by organizing a fashion show, we expected that the good amount of money can be collected for the poor people than we will surely organize/support fashion show there without caring the cheap mentality (if anyone having) of the other local people.

We believe in humanity, kindness and the upliftment of all classes of people.

We will try to remove the narrow mindedness/thinking from our society. This is the only main reason why our India being a super power nation is lacking behind.Warriorr Against Evil (WAE) believes in completing its work at any cost. We believe in unity. To complete a task it is not always easy to achieve what we are trying for, so by working with either by getting help or by providing help to the other local organization we will surely achieve our task goal.Overall development of India is our main motto, Indian is a developing country and it will always remain in under developing magnitude if the same ruling Factor of our government persist.
Our Indian Administration and management system is whole corrupt and it is also not upgraded just because this system is controlled/run by oldies/aged that is already corrupted from top to toe. So youngsters are required to give the chance.If today India is in this miserable condition (scams, corruption) than we should blame ourselves, it is our mistake that we are giving the chance to those bastards. They are ruining our country. Now the time has come to raise our voice against all odds.
We all always dreams about the foreign country(USA, Canada), their lives, their standards, their trends, but rarely thinks about India, that WHY we are not getting such types of Standards, trends etc., There are so many WHY behinds this.India is having capacity in every field (technology, Science, Literature etc.,) but it is still lacking behind. WHY? There are So many “Why?” and still we have to find the answers and Warriorr Against Evils (WAE) has started working in search of these answers.

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